Once we realize we can, then we have other new levels to conquer. That was one of the first hurdles, and the question we all must ask, “Can I do this?” They referred someone else to me and paid in advance for their session, handing me $200 cash for my first reading.

It was a great reading, I had given some very specific descriptions of things going on in their life + they were satisfied. That they’d find out I was a fraud, not really an experienced reader at all, and be disappointed. I was terrified that they’d know they were my first. “I wonder if someone would actually pay me for a reading?” Ready? To link up leave your contact info below.My business started over my kitchen table after one question: Arm ourselves with knowledge, intuition, crystals, and magick, stripping away all that no longer serves us and raising our vibrations, activating our kundalini fire. We must first reclaim our innate God-ess hood. We are the warrior high priestess lioness queens that can come out of the darkness and reclaim the throne. WE have the power to raise up our communities.

As women we are the doctors, nurturers, and healers. Our schools are in ruins, our children suffer from dysfunction, many fathers are not present, and the men and women are hurting, much healing is needed. Yet the larger society has increased it’s attacks on the black community. We are growing in our knowledge and resources. We are living in a time where our people are takind the blinders off their eyes. The number 400 has it’s own intrinsic magical properties. Slavery in America started in 1619, when a Dutch ship brought 20 African slaves ashore in the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia. Next year, 2019, marks the 400 year mark for slavery. We are at a pinnacle point as black people. Where there is black love there is unity! There is an old saying that the “man is the head of the home, but the woman is the neck.” She turns the head in the right direction, providing clarity for better insight. We can do this sisters! When the women change the men will follow suit. The balancing of masculine and feminine energies is what is needed to heal our community. Heru is reborn as the Ra-Herukhuti, the great falcon. She conceived Heru, who overthrow Set and avenge his father. Through love, devotion, decisive action, intention, and magick Auset revived the spirit of Ausar. The phallus was a symbol of fertility.Īll Kings of Egypt are the incarnation of Horus (Heru). When Ausar’s body was cut in 14 pieces, Set scattered them all over Kemet and his wife Auset retrieved all of them except one, his penis, which was swallowed by a fish. The phallus played a role in the cult of Osiris (Ausar) in Ancient Kemetic spirituality. To replace the missing penis a wooden one was fashioned and then the resurrected mummy of Osiris had sex with Isis and conceived Horus, the hawk god, who became the King of Egypt. She brought them to Anubis (Anpu) who put them together for the mummification of Osiris. Isis, the wife (and sister) of Osiris collected all the pieces except the phallus which had been eaten by a fish. Seth (Set), the evil brother of Osiris, trapped Osiris and cut his body up into pieces which he scattered throughout Egypt.