I did the 2 part install easily, just make sure thy both in the same folder and both have been unrarred or unzipped. Link here:ĮDIT: One more thing which is crucial you have first made a new folder on your desktop and put the DarthMod_Empire_v8.0_Platinum.exe and the DarthMod_Empire_v8.0_Platinum.2 in the same folder right? They HAVE to be together before you launch the installer for it. Used it to clean my registry for years, amazing programme and free. Items from Darthmod left in the registry can cause issues. It's 100% free and has saved me loads of times by cleaning my registy. Did get to keep my special forces and other extras though like the crappy poster you got lol.Įdit: by the way one thing you can try is using a programme called CCLeaner. Never sorted any solution so got the digital version in the end. Not sure what disc it was but it never accepted it. To make you feel better I had the insert disc error with my boxed copy special forces edition. If it doesn't work, hopefully someone else will have a better idea. You could try either of these approaches with Darthmod, substituting the Darthmod installer file instead of ETF.exe.

Select 'Try recommended settings' and then 'Test the program' (thanks to Overlordqwerty for this idea) After a few seconds, you will have a couple of options. A box will appear headed 'Program Compatibility Troubleshooter'. Right-click on the file, select 'Troubleshoot compatibility'. Right-click on ETF21.exe, select 'properties' (the last item on the menu) then select 'compatibility' (from the tabs along the top) then tick the box by 'Compatibility mode' and select Windows 7 (thanks to Gunder1an for this suggestion) To install Empire Total Factions with Windows 8, you need to run ETF21.exe in compatibility mode. So perhaps the solution for Empire Total Factions might work for Darthmod? For what it's worth, this is how people have managed to get Empire Total Factions working with Windows 8:.
Find the file, and then when it asks you to insert disk 2, click 'Browse' and type the full file name in there and it should work. I believe that the same modder, husserlTW, made the launchers for Darthmod and Empire Total Factions. If you go to downloads, there should be a dathrmod empire zip folder Unzip it and it will tell you where the file is going once its done copying. People have had similar problems installing another mod, Empire Total Factions, with Windows 8. (I'm just another Empire Total War player, I wasn't involved with developing Darthmod).